Tournament Schedule
Tentative ScheduleAs a general rule, the opening ceremony will be at 8:30 and everything else will begin as soon as we can get things going. The first round is always the most difficult to get paired and going and is typically a bit delayed.
While we almost always star the day off behing schedule, we have completed the last 2 tournaments ahead of schedule.
There is NOT enough time to leave the premesis to go eat during the lunch break.
- 6:30-7:00
Event Coordinator Arrives - 7:15
Volunteers Arrive, Volunteer Breakfast - 7:20-7:45
Volunteer Check-In and Training - 7:30-8:00
Referee Training - 7:45-8:15
Student Check-In - 8:30
Opening Ceremonies - 8:50-9:00
Opening Ceremonies - 9:00
Round 1 Starts